About campus equipment

Campus Equipment have been selling pocket calculators since 6 September 1996. Our aim has always been to supply you with pocket calculators and related products by the most direct route and on favourable terms. So at the end of 1998 we installed our online shop on the Internet site taschenrechner.ch, via which we do the major part of our business. However, we do not see ourselves solely as an online shop and are therefore still available via e-mail and telephone. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks to many years of supplying pocket calculators to schools, my personal experience as a former student of a Swiss university of applied sciences and my previous part-time work as a teacher of mathematics, physics, information technology and chemistry in a technical college, we can offer you a competent, fast and attractively-priced service.
Campus Equipment is your perfect partner for school, study and business
Yours sincerely Georges Vorburger Dipl. Ing. FH (Medical engineering) Managing Director schreibtisch.ch campus equipment |